May 7, 2015 | Blog, Business, Television
In the aftermath of a record-setting boxing match, let’s talk about fighting. Here are several recent, seemingly unrelated developments. See if you can find the common thread. The breakout star of this year’s FIGHT OF THE CENTURY!!! wasn’t named...
Mar 3, 2015 | Blog, Internet, Talent
The second-biggest post on this blog last year was titled “When Rupert Murdoch Tells You Where The Money Is, Believe Him.” When someone as successful as Murdoch points the way to where entertainment success will be found in the future (hint: content is...
Jan 20, 2015 | Blog, Business, Movies, Print, Radio, Television
Remember when television was about the lowest common denominator? Remember when the radio station that won was “the one station that everybody at work can agree on”? Those days – the days of aiming as broadly as possible – are toast. Let’s focus on...
Jan 13, 2015 | Blog, Movies, Television
The other day, a group of friends and I were discussing whether The Jetsons Future means that the quality of productions must inevitably decline. My position – not the most popular one in the room at first – was an optimistic one. I argued that, while...
Nov 17, 2014 | Blog, Internet, Movies, Talent
Perhaps the worst thing that can be said in any business – show or otherwise – is this: “But that’s not how we’ve always done it.” Every so often, I try to inspire you with stories of entertainers who couldn’t care less how...