Apr 22, 2015 | Blog, Movies, Radio, Talent, Television
In these parts, we refer to “content” all the time. It’s not a misnomer; content is a business word, and after all, we’re in show business. It is, however, a poor choice of words, given that “content” is a...
Mar 26, 2015 | Blog, Movies, Music, Print, Talent, Television
How’s that for a ridiculous, allegedly attention-grabbing headline? The 21 year-old woman in question is the erstwhile Sunshine Girl of YouTube fame. She’s now making the move from video into… …wait for it… …print. Yep, the media...
Jan 20, 2015 | Blog, Business, Movies, Print, Radio, Television
Remember when television was about the lowest common denominator? Remember when the radio station that won was “the one station that everybody at work can agree on”? Those days – the days of aiming as broadly as possible – are toast. Let’s focus on...
Jan 8, 2015 | Blog, Business, Movies, Television
I felt the need to include a mashup word – ginormous – in the headline because there’s already a media convergence theme song for 2015: It’s A Mashup World After All. (Dear Lord – I’ve just planted that song in your head for the...
Nov 6, 2014 | Blog, Internet, Radio, Talent, Television
Because the nice people at YouTube have access to over one billion human beings who consume content – voraciously – on their website, they have access to far more information about how content is being used (and not used) than any other operator on the...