Podcasting is a great way to build your business, er, practice.  Just one question: how are you going to stand out?   In reality, that’s two questions:

  1. First, how is your content going to stand out?  Whether you’re talking to other lawyers or to potential clients, what do you have to say that isn’t already being said?  Alternatively, how can you cover a well-covered subject in a way that cuts through the clutter, through all the other podcasts out there that may cover the same topic?
  2. How are you going to truly reach your audience?  Can you communicate your message in a way that will (a) keep your audience listening and (b) cause listeners to retain your message?  It’s tougher than it sounds.

Let’s talk about how much time you’ve devoted to becoming the lawyer you are today:

  • Oh sure, there were those 16 or so years of K-12 education plus college;
  • Then, you might (or might not) have spent a few years in the working world;
  • Eventually, you made your way through 2-4 years of law school, earning your J.D.;
  • After that, you “enjoyed” several festive months of bar review; and
  • Finally, you were sworn into your friendly state bar association!
  • Since then, you’ve spent [insert your own number here] years practicing a learned profession.

You’ve put years and years into becoming the lawyer that you are today, and now, you want to share your knowledge, experience, and personality with fellow clients and/or fellow legal professionals.  That’s a great idea!

And you’ve got exactly how much education and experience at turning on a microphone and doing that?  And surely, you’ve got an equal amount of experience actually handling or managing the physical production of a podcast.

Some people are naturals; they can turn on a mic and kill from day one.  If that’s not you, and I don’t know too many people – not even in showbiz, much less lawbiz – who are naturals, you need coaching.

I’ve coached and developed major market radio personalities – performers who stand out on the radio and whose message is heard and retained – and I continue to work on the air in Los Angeles, America’s second-largest media market.  I’ve developed audio brands, ones that have a distinct and desirable position in the marketplace.

Yet, because I’m also a lawyer, I understand the unique constraints placed on you – from the ethical rules we abide by to the imperative to maintain your professional image.

You need a coach, and I’m the right podcasting coach for you.  Please contact me below, and I’ll be glad to listen to what you’re currently doing (if anything) and discuss how we make your work product special.

7 + 4 =

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